AI Training Consulting 🚂 🔄

I'm not your standard consultant to help you with standard training challenges. For better or worse, I've developed custom models and training loops for a wide-range of applications, including protein-protein interaction, coreference resolution, large-scale recommender systems, AutoML for time series forecasting, federated learning, and various fine-tunings of Google LLMs. My specialty is alternative ML modelling to conventional approaches (eg. autoregressive transfomers). My goal is to help you design specialized model architectures suitable for your application, and training loops that maximize the utilization of your hardware.


You should consider hiring me if...

  1. Standard techniques aren't meeting your unique requirements.
  2. You need expert guidance on implementing alternative ML modelling or training techniques.
  3. Your non-standard training process is inefficient or ineffective.


My expertise includes...

  • Non-standard neural network architectures like non-autoregressive transformers or reformer.
  • Custom training loops (for pretraining or fine-tuning).
  • Integrating domain-specific knowledge into model design.
  • Hybrid models combining multiple techniques.
  • Performance optimization during training for speed and resource efficiency.


  • On-demand guidance: Asynchronous access, email, slack, adhoc meetings for advice.
  • Quick prototyping and research: Conduct feasibility studies and develop prototypes for modelling projects.
  • Hands-on implementation: Design, implement, and debug models to improve performance and efficiency.
  • Evaluation guidance: Help design and implement custom model evaluation systems.
  • Development tools and infrastructure: Build custom tools and infrastructure to streamline your development process.
  • Production support: Assist in deploying models, with a focus on continuous improvement and production readiness.
  • Education: Teach your team practical concepts and skills, and streamline engineering processes.
  • Expert network: Give access to leading technical specialists.


The cost depends on the time commitment (measured in hours) and services needed. Contact me for a quote.


If you have questions about what I can do for your project and team, shoot me an email.