
This is a living document that helps others understand how to best interact and work with me. It includes the following:

  • Communication preferences
  • Work habits and routines
  • Decision-making
  • Idiosyncrasies
  • Pet peeves

Emphasis on “living”. I’m putting this out to the world but know I am–and aim to always be–a work-in-progress.

Communication preferences

  • Email / Slack / Text for communications that can tolerate a few hours delay.
  • If its more urgent, call me.
  • For issues that require a low-latency back-and-forth, impromptu meeting is preferred.
  • Communicate with me collaboratively. I get pig headed when people tell me what to do, or arrogantly assert they know best (although I realise the people that do this probably don’t realize it themselves!).


  • I don’t chafe at meetings like many. I’m a fan of high-bandwidth meetings with a clear target. Meetings are great for sharing/ingesting summarized state (e.g. project status), reaching a mutual understanding (even if people disagree with each other), debate, and building rapport.
  • Meetings without notetaking are pointless.
  • I enjoy brainstorming in group meetings. But from past experience, I’ve found a lot of meeting bandwidth gets consumed in giving people background. If we’re going to engage in a freestyle discussion, lets come into it “warm” after doing the pre-work.
  • Meetings are NOT a good place to make decisions. If something contentious needs a decision, it’s best to use a meeting to exchange perspectives, discuss trade-offs, and agree on a timeframe for reaching a decision. Ultimately, the alternatives and tradeoff-analysis should be written down somewhere and someone can use that to make a final call offline (or in a follow-up meeting).

Work habits and routines


  • Each day, I usually work from 10 am to 9 pm. Of course, this is not rigid and my social schedule does overlap with my work schedule, once or twice a week.


  • I work 6 days a week, Sunday through Friday. I end up working 60-70 hours per week, which I can sustain indefinitely.

Flex time

  • I accept that work is non-linear as a founder so I’m willing to adapt my schedule to pressing demands.
  • Saturdays are my flex days, which I usually protect for R&R. Or I’ll work at a casual pace or engage in “big picture” thinking. I go by feel. But if needed, I can work through a Saturday.
  • Other flex time: One weekend a month, one week a quarter – Scheduled around milestones / sprints.

Work-life balance

  • My beliefs on this subject are explained here.
  • Working 70+ hours per week means sacrificing those other areas of my life that serve the long-term. These sorts of sprints are expected but difficult to continue for more than a few weeks without addressing the life debt that piles up.


  • I tend to trust people by default to know what they are doing. I do not like to intervene or micromanage — unless they ask for help.
  • I love to be challenged with different or counter intuitive points of view.


  • Best way to convince me is to convince me that you’ve explored many alternatives and weighed the trade-offs, and logically arrived at an opinion with honest recognition of the things you don’t know.
  • I’m decisive when it comes to reversible decisions and contemplative when making decisions that are one-way doors. I prefer some solitude to think through options for the latter kind of decisions before finalizing a choice.


  • Debate: If meetings are where ideas are shared, I use debate as a critical tool to separate the good ones from the bad ones. I’m not a very opinionated person but I appreciate how debate can get us to desired outcomes faster. If you see me challenge an idea, it doesn’t mean I disagree with it or I’m being negative — I’m just testing its strength.
  • Process: I always say, plan beats no plan–even if the plan is wrong. People assume that my compulsion towards process stems from a need for everything to be logical and meticulously defined. Rather, I just like to apply some rigor in establishing goals, specifying strategies, and spotlight what is known and what is unknown—All of which maybe loosely outlined. I believe in being methodical, testing assumptions, and failing fast.

Pet peeves

  • Being micromanaged.
  • Complaining without an intention to problem-solve.
  • People who lack self-awareness and are not looking to improve.
  • I detest having to wait for late arrivals to a meeting. But at the same time, I’m the least punctual human being. I know, it’s hypocritical. But please respect my time and don’t be late to our meeting. I’ll sincerely try to do the same.